Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Fine, fine. I'm up from the coffee, I might as well do this, right?


hoedown 2

I found that blouse/shirt thing at Gabriel Brothers (surprise). It was between this gorgeous cobalt blue-and-red plaid one, and the green one that I've got on. You can see what I chose.

The shorts are from F21, obvs. What's not so obvs is that they go all the way up under my boobs. This means that while I was at Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago back in July, I could successfully take off my shirt and wear my cute red gingham bra with these shorts while not appearing totally hoochie-fied, which isn't that big of a worry for me anyway. It was liberating. On another note, my sister hates them. She has a venomous hate for all things high-waisted, and always rolls her eyes when she sees me walk into my parents' house wearing yet another pair of high-waisted whatevers. She says she's worried for my crotch, and I'm all yeah, whatever, you're sixteen. Now let me borrow another one of your cute dresses.

The boots I got at my used-to-be-favorite thrift store, the Peppermint Pig. I yearn for the halcyon days when they didn't know how to price the treasures that they got in, which is how I ended up with these vintage Zodiac boots for three dollars. Three. Dollars. I can't even get a fancy coffee for that anymore. This is why I hate teh recessionz.

BCBG dress


Hey, pre-haircut mop, what's up. So I tried this on in the BCBG boutique when I went there with aforementioned sister and mom to look for sister's prom dress (interlude: HAHAHAHAHA yeah right). It was freakin gorgeous. The photos don't even do it justice. So. Much. Pleating. And the rosettes. It was wow.

I'm trying with all my might not to include my thoughts on Sarah Palin in this post, so I think it's time to go stare at the ceiling and pretend to be trying to go to sleep, even though inside I'm wishing it were Thursday so I could go to Chicago already. Time, why are you so cruel?

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