Tuesday, April 21, 2009


While spending time probably alloted for something else on the internet instead, i came across this:


I mean, really? Most Americans get this wrong? Really? Are you trying to tell me something, cute little polar bear? Initially, I was like, 'well duh, it's a friggin polar bear,' but now you are making me doubt myself. I don't appreciate that.

I guess I shouldn't really be so surprised / indignant.

This one made me straight-out lol, though:


Now you are just insulting me. Obviously it is BOTH.

Monday, April 6, 2009


sitting on the computer at mom's house, decided to have the interwebs anagram my name. laughter and a bit of confusion ensue:

Nakedly Let On
Tonally Kneed
Yanked Tell No
Tanked Yell No
Ladle Ken Tony
Lad Kneel Tony
Lank Needy Lot

and my personal favorite:
Tanked Lonely.

you're welcome.