Sunday, February 8, 2009

i married the eiffel tower

i just stumbled across this documentary about something i never knew existed: objectum-sexuals. or, people who are in love with inanimate objects. it's called 'married to the eiffel tower,' and is at turns hysterical and horribly sad. all of the objectum-sexuals existing in the world are women, and they talk to buildings as if they are their lovers, building to-scale models of them to keep in their homes as well as even taking home parts of them to 'make love' with. as much as i want to laugh at this (and i did; trust me), it makes me more than a little sad to think that these women have rarely and sometimes never had a flesh-and-blood, loving relationship with another human. it made me wonder: is this something that is biologically ingrained, something that they can't help? or is it a reaction to a fear within them that any relationship that they have won't work?

i tend to think that it's the latter reason. these women seem to love these inanimate objects as much as any person loves their significant other. they want to have them (or a piece of them) close by, they seem to get something out of it, and let's face it: an inanimate object can never complain to you. but as much as i am an accepting person, and as much as i encourange anyone to do what will make them happy, i just can't understand it. it doesn't mean i disapprove, i just don't UNDERSTAND. how can you love an inanimate object? how can you marry the eiffel tower? how can you be intimate with the golden gate bridge, for fuck's sake?

i guess we'll never know. but nothing can beat a video of a woman who's in love with a banister. A BANISTER, PEOPLE.